
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Cutting down on CO2 emissions

Golly, it never ends, does it? With everything else that is going on, we have to worry about global warming.
All kidding aside, this looks like a serious problem. And among the contributors are our many gadgets. How many things do you charge overnight? How many of your digital devices are sipping electricity, waiting for you to pick up the remote?

I'm not sure how we can undo modern times. But maybe we can cut down on power used by our computers.

I leave my boxes on most of the time. Admittedly, that wastes electricity. Windows has built-in devices to save power. But they aren't terribly reliable, in my experience.

So I was happy to find the CO2 Saver. This little program throttles down your power usage when you're not around. As a bonus, it shows how much CO2 you've saved.

CO2 Saver is easy to install. It sits in the notification area—the bottom right of your desktop. Best of all, it's free!

Cost: Free


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