
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Get Free Cash

Skeptical Much?

It might sound like a get rich scheme, but it really isn't (unless you're super devoted into it). I've been a member of CashCrate for a long time (since August 2006, which makes it officially one year). And now, I've realized that I have made about $223. Ok, ok, i know it doesn't sound like much, but I haven't really been "dedicated" to this. Let me explain.

I started really small, maybe only $5 dollars a month. But slowly (and surely), I started to accumulate many referrals. This ever so slightly boosted my income by a few bucks. But now it has been a year, and I have 9 Active referrals, 53 First Level referrals, and 52 Second Level referrals. This is something I've never thought of accomplishing!

Only recently, I've make a lot of money (especially for a teen who doesn't work :D), which was a one time amount of $130. I was extremely happy and was ecstatic. This was probably the point I started raking in the referrals. All you have to do is show someone that it actually works! You try to persuade people into joining, but they're always skeptical. They're always thinking "what if this is a scam, what if this doesn't work for me?" Well, what they have to lose? All you're doing is completing small surveys and joining sites with your spam email accounts. Maybe the maximum time you're going to spend per offer is around 2 minutes. The offers average around $.40. Lets say you take 1 hour a day. Simple eh? So 60 / 2 = 30. So 30 offers a hour. 30 x .4 = 12 dollars. Not bad! So every day for one month.... 30 x 12 = 360 dollars. Wow, one hour a day for a month yields 360 dollars? Nice!

Lets apply the referrals part of the equation.

Hold up, don't stop there. Now you have 360 dollars, you can tell others, "hey, this thing works, and you should try it!". Now slide in your referral link (By the way, you make 20% of what they earn). So they do the same thing, one hour a day for a month, and they get around 360 a month. Guess what, in addition to your 360 dollars a month, you get an extra $72. So your monthly total would be $432. So more referrals, is equal to more money. Now, your referral will get another referral and lets say they also make the same $360 a month. You get 10% of that Second level/degree of referral. Monthly total would come out to be $468.

In conclusion.

Wow, not bad for investing a little of your time a day. Some people report of making thousands a month since they have over hundreds of first level "active" referrals. If they can do it, why can't you?

Sign up now!
Do me a favor and click my link! <(^.^)> Thanks :D

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